There is a famous German expression; “Wenn schon, denn schon”, which means, “if you do it, do it right”. It should come as no surprise that our bar and restaurant staff employ this thinking when serving visitors at our club. Expect great traditional German cuisine and beer served with a smile. Visit us today and see for yourself!
- Open every day of the week except Mondays
- Open on Sundays for Lunch and on some Public Holidays.
- Available for all kinds of functions
- Outside Catering at Lapa/Pool Area
- Please support the Club by making use of our Bar and Restaurant facilities.
- Tell your friends to join us at the Club and enjoy German Gemütlichkeit.
- Book your birthday parties, wedding anniversaries and other functions.
- Everyone welcome!
Any questions regarding catering, events and other parties, please call the club on: +27 11 803 6128
or Roy on 082 553 0686 or Email: royl@hot.co.za